How to Create Heart-Based Hospitality – Part 9

Part 9
Make a Difference by Showing Loving-Kindness
In the future, the guest experience will be strong in loving-kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care, and it will be created by working with energy and by developing spiritual capacity.
Part 9 is about developing the capacity to show loving-kindness to yourself and to others. Loving-kindness is one of the three essential spiritual core values of Heart-Based Hospitality together with compassion and heart-warming care. This unit explains what loving-kindness is; how to develop the quality through meditation and practice; the effects of developing loving-kindness; and the benefits of doing so.
Like other units, this unit provides stories, videos, spiritual quotations, activities, energy techniques, and meditations that serve to help you to develop your spiritual capacity to love and to show loving-kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care to others. Although guests are colleagues are the focus, family members and strangers are always included.
Part 9 encourages and helps you not simply with ways to make every guest interaction a heart-touching, memorable experience, but also to want more and more to do so. This unit is about living your life by being kind and loving to others every day so that when you die the world cries at your departure.
The contents of this unit urge you to make your job about touching the hearts of the guests with loving-kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care. Ask yourself at the end of the day: “Did I create a memorable experience for every guest I met or served? Did I touch people’s hearts? If not, how could I have done better?”
Show unconditional love and stand back and watch with amazement as your whole world is transformed. Those around you will subconsciously feel your new vibration of love and will be affected by you. Wherever you go, whoever you meet, and whatever you do, give love and appreciation, because that is your true nature. How do you know it is your true nature? Because you feel so good when you are giving it. Spend each day putting this into practice and you’ll feel lighter and warmer in your heart area and happier.
I hope that you find Part 9 inspiring and helpful.
2Section 9.1: What Is Loving-Kindness?
3Section 9.2: Homeless Man Shows Loving-Kindness
4Section 9.3: The 7 Questions
5Section 9.4: The Most Beautiful Eyes
6Section 9.5: Turn All Your Thoughts Toward Bringing Joy to Hearts
7Section 9.6: Kindness Makes You Beautiful
8Section 9.7: Westjet Airline’s Christmas Miracle
9Section 9.8: The Story About Josh
10Section 9.9: The Ripple Effect of Kindness
11Section 9.10: The Taxi Cab Story
12Section 9.11: The Wendy Story
13Section 9.12: Taxi Terry
14Section 9.13: Make an Impact on People’s Lives
15Section 9.14: What Is Your Deepest Motivation for Taking Care of the Guests?
16Section 9.15: Our True Nature Is to Show Love and Appreciation
17Section 9.16: The Gift of Unconditional Love
18Section 9.17: The Unconditional Love Shown by King Bhumibol Adulyadej, a Former King of Thailand