Infuses Hospitality with the
Spirit of Unconditional Love

Heart-Based Hospitality, Customer Service, Leadership, and Sales Courses
Online courses for people working in or aspiring to work in the hotel industry. They are also applicable to any service industry. The Heart-Based Hospitality courses enable individuals, hotels, and hotel group corporate offices to transform their guest experience and spirit of hospitality by replacing the traditional, mechanical, standards-oriented concept of SOP-Customer Satisfaction with a new concept based on unconditional love, loving-kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care, and which is created by working with energy and increasing spiritual capacity. The resulting hospitality is very different. Staff earn more tips and hotels increase their occupancy and revenue.
Heart-Based Hospitality Courses

Peter McAlpine
Part 4 Understanding How People Really Feel In the future, the guest experience will be strong in loving-kindness, compassion, and heart-war...
16 Lectures
20.5 hours

Peter McAlpine
Showing empathy and compassion to guests is an essential part of Heart-Based Hospitality. Part 10 explains in detail what empathy and compassion me...
25 Lectures
34.5 hours

Peter McAlpine
This section is about Near-Death Experiences (NDE). The NDE is very relevant to hospitality because it answers the following questions. What is ...
9 Lectures
10 hours

Peter McAlpine
Part 9 is about developing the capacity to show loving-kindness to yourself and to others. Loving-kindness is one of the three essential spiritual ...
18 Lectures
21.5 hours

Peter McAlpine
Part 8 provides useful information about the energy of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and about how this energy can be used not just to tran...
7 Lectures
10 hours

Peter McAlpine
Part 7 explains how to send love energy and the benefits of sending it for hotel staff; for the energy of the hotel; and for creating Heart-Based H...
16 Lectures
17.5 hours

Peter McAlpine
Part 6 is about the worries and emotional suffering that so many people experience and how hotel staff can help their guests to feel happier by sho...
14 Lectures
21 hours

Peter McAlpine
Part 5 is about the benefits of complimenting guests and how to compliment them. You will also learn about the energy of complements. People wan...
16 Lectures
16 hours

Peter McAlpine
Part 3 is about the importance when creating Heart-Based Hospitality of opening your heart and it explains what this means. It describes how to kno...
31 Lectures
46.5 hours

Peter McAlpine
Part 2 provides an overview of the main goals, benefits, and characteristics of Heart-Based Hospitality, and you will start to learn about how to c...
22 Lectures
33 hours

Peter McAlpine
Part 1 is divided into three sections. It explains what Heart-Based Hospitality is; how it is different from the globally pervasive SOP-Customer Sa...
5 Lectures
10 hours
Why Would a General Manager Want Heart-Based Hospitality?
In short, because it will transform the spirit of hospitality in the hotel; the employees and guests will be happier; and the occupancy and revenue will increase.
This Heart-Based Hospitality course is about how to create a spirit of hospitality, which is impossible with the pervasive quality standards-based concept of SOP-Customer Satisfaction, which is the global norm. “SOP” refers to the operational Standards of Performance. I call the level, Heart-Based Hospitality, because it is created by knowing how to work with human energy, especially with the electromagnetic energy of the heart; by tapping into the heart’s intelligence; by increasing heart coherence so as to open the heart to experience ever-stronger emotions of love; and by developing spiritual capacity, which increases the desire to show love, kindness, heart-warming care, and compassion from the heart to others.
These activities and many more enable hotels to transform the emotionless and mechanical SOP-Customer Satisfaction style of hospitality into hospitality that is soft and gentle; strong in the energy of loving-kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care; hospitality that changes the energetic feeling of the hotel property and facilities, and which makes the employees and guests feel happier.
Learning Plans
For Individual Learners
- Instead of buying each course one by one, the learner can purchase the courses in bundles with a discount.
- See the next section below. called Discounted Course Bundles.
- The learners can have access to the 2 or 3 courses in the bundle. There is no time limit.
- For the sake of efficiency, transfer in one lump sum the cost of the bundled courses.
For Hotels
- The Hotel provides 20 – 29 learners per month. A 15% discount per course will be provided on the total amount.
- Additional learners can sign up during the month up to 29 participants.
- The learners can have access to one of the 11 Parts of the course per month. Then the membership period of one month will expire.
- However, if the participants cannot complete the course within the month, please let us know and we will extend the period for the group.
- Similarly, if the group finishes a course within the month, which can happen with the 10-hour courses, please let us know and we will start the following month early once the payment has been received.
- The price charged each month will vary each month according to the price of the course being studied and the number of participants.
- For the sake of efficiency, the hotel will transfer in one lump sum the payments of all the learners.
- The Hotel will provide us with the number of participants for the following month before the end of the month. If the number of participants drops to 15-19 participants, the discount will change to 10%.
For Hotels
- The Hotel provides a minimum of 30 learners per month. A 20% discount per course will be provided.
- Additional learners can sign up during the month.
- The learners can have access to one of the 11 Parts of the course per month. Then the membership period of one month will expire.
- However, if the participants cannot complete the course within the month, please let us know and we will extend the period for the group.
- Similarly, if the group finishes a course within the month, which can happen with the 10-hour courses, please let us know and we will start the following month early once the payment has been received.
- The price charged each month will vary each month according to the price of the course being studied.
- For the sake of efficiency, the hotel will transfer in one lump sum the payments of all the learners.
- The Hotel will provide us with the number of participants for the following month before the end of the month. If the number of participants drops below 30, then the group’s discount will change in the following month to that stated in the Silver Learning Plan.
For Hotel GMs & Leaders
- In order for a hotel to implement Heart-Based Hospitality successfully the leaders must be involved in the self-development process and not only their Team Members.
- The leaders should study the Heart-Based Hospitality course and the Leadership course.
- By leaders, we mean EXCOM, Department Heads, Assistant Department Heads, and Team Leaders. Supervisors should join the groups of Hotel Employees in the Gold Plan Membership Level.
- The price charged each month will vary each month according to the price of the course being studied and the number of participants. Because it can be difficult to get even 10 leaders to study online, a 12% discount will be made on the total amount if the number of leaders in the group is 10 or more. If 20 or more leaders study a course then the Silver Plan’s 15% discount will apply.
- Additional learners can sign up during the month.
- The learners can have access to one of the 11 Parts of the course per month. Then the membership period of one month will expire.
- However, if the participants cannot complete the course within the month, please let us know and we will extend the period for the group.
- Similarly, if the group finishes a course within the month, which can happen with the 10-hour courses, please let us know and we will start the following month early once the payment has been received.
- For the sake of efficiency, the hotel will transfer in one lump sum the payments of all the learners.
- The Hotel will provide us with the number of participants for the following month before the end of the month. If the number of participants drops below 10, then the group’s discount will change in the following month to 5%.
Discounted Course Bundles
Heart-Based Hospitality Leadership

Practical, Effective, and Inspiring Leadership Actions to Create Heart-Based Hospitality
16 Lectures
40 hours
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