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How to Create Heart-Based Hospitality – Part 8

Part 8

Use Thought Energy to Enhance Heart-Based Hospitality

In the future, the guest experience will be strong in loving-kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care, and it will be created by working with energy and by developing spiritual capacity.

Part 8 provides invaluable information about the energy of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and about how this energy can be used not just to transform the guest experience, but also to make our lives happier and healthier.

Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions have a very powerful effect on our outside world and nothing is separate from anything else. Our thoughts, the beliefs we have, and the emotional energy of love, joy, gratitude, or of any form of emotional energy backed by feeling have a deep and profound effect on the world around us.

You will learn about the lost mode of prayer, which is a form of prayer that has no words, no outward expression, and is based simply on feeling. This mode of prayer can be used to create a guest experience that is strong in the spirit of love and genuine hospitality.

Hotel staff can use the lost mode of prayer described in this unit to change the spirit of a hotel. Try it regularly and you will see how guest comments become more positive; how the hotel simply feels more pleasant energetically; and how the staff change. This mode of prayer can be used to create a guest experience that is strong in the spirit of love and genuine hospitality.

The information about thought energy in this section comes from New Science and from knowledge in ancient cultures, which is also preserved in temples in Egypt and Tibet. It can be used to transform the guest experience and to make our lives happier and healthier. But will you be open-minded and apply the knowledge or will you be of those referred to in the following quotation by Sir Winston Churchill: “Everyone stumbles over the truth from time to time, but most people pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened”?

I hope that you find Part 8 enlightening, inspiring, and helpful.


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Enrolled: 0 students
Duration: 10 hours
Lectures: 7
Level: Intermediate
How to Create Heart-Based Hospitality – Part 8
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